Author: 4RMidAtlantic

On-Farm Research Resources

Today’s article in the American Agriculturist- “4 tips to ensure on-farm research success”– highlights several considerations for how to carry out a project. Interested in learning more about testing new products, tools or management strategies on your farm? Here’s a list of resources that might come in handy!

Our 4R On-Farm Research Factsheet offers a broad overview about the benefits and basics of conducting on-farm research.

Great Guides

Help to Fund the Project

  • SARE offers Farmer Grants and Partnership Grants that might help to cover the cost of adopting an on-farm research project.
  • Check with your local NRCS Office to see if they offer an Adaptive Management Program for Nutrient Management or Cover Crop Projects
  • Your local University Extension may be able to assist with project design and statistical analysis for project results.



On Farm Research at Delaware Ag Week

THE 4R WHOLE SYSTEM MANAGEMENT APPROACH requires finding the right nutrient sources, rates, timing and method of application for your individual farm. An on-farm research project can help to evaluate new practices, allowing you to identify site-specific management strategies that provide the greatest benefits to your operation.

On January 15, from 1-4pm, the Delaware-Maryland 4R Alliance will host an On-Farm Research and ROI Session at Delaware Ag Week. The program includes:

  • Tips, Tricks, Trials and Tribulations of On-Farm Research
    Joshua McGrath, University of Kentucky
  • Precision Agriculture Economics and Decision Making-Beyond Profitability
    Jordan Shockley, University of Kentucky
  • Walking Through the Steps of a Successful On-Farm Research Trial
    Anthony Martin, Iowa Soybean Association, On-Farm Network 

See the full program and register at

Interested in learning more? Our factsheet offers a brief overview about considerations and keys to success for an on-farm research trial:

4R Spotlight- Grid & Zone Soil Sampling

In this week’s Ag Decisions section of the Delmarva Farmer, the Delaware-Maryland 4R Alliance offered an overview on grid soil sampling and zone soil sampling. If you’re considering adopting this strategy on some of your acreage next year, here are some resources to get you started. (Here’s a link to the text of the article, in case you missed it!)

Follow us on Facebook for links to timely tips and updates to improve your 4R strategies!



Promoting ‘4Rs’ and pushing new ideas

Drag line manure hoses are something you don’t see much of in Pennsylvania. But Jeff Zimmerman, owner of Agri-Applicators in Lebanon, which specializes in custom manure application, is sold on them, especially when used with a manure injector.

With farmers under pressure to reduce the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus getting into waterways, things such as manure injectors are being looked at to help address environmental regulations while helping keep farmers profitable.

“It’s got to start with keeping farms profitable, keeping them in business,” says Eric Rosenbaum, executive director of the Pennsylvania 4R Alliance, speaking at a recent nutrient stewardship field day in Hershey, Pa. The alliance has partnered with Growmark FS, Bazooka Farmstar and The Nature Conservancy on projects highlighting new technology and better ways to track voluntary best management practices on farms.

4R alliances are partnerships between agribusinesses, farmers, researchers, and local, state and federal agencies that encourage the concept of the “4Rs”: applying the right fertilizer at the right time, the right rate and in the right place.

Read the rest of the article at American Agriculturalist.