Category: Events

Join us on August 15 for a 4R Technology Field Day

The Delaware-Maryland 4R Alliance and University of Maryland Extension invite growers and agribusiness professionals to join them for their 4R Technology Field Day on August 15, 2018 at the Wye Research and Education Center in Queenstown, Maryland.  The event will be showcasing application of the 4Rs (right source, right rate, right time, and right place) on the Delmarva. Demonstrations will include phosphorus placements, drones and mapping, options for nitrogen management and conservation practices and water quality monitoring. There will also be a panel of local farmers discussing how they have been successful in implementing 4R nutrient management practices in their operations.

Registration will begin at 8:30 am and the program will be from 9:30 – 2:30. Lunch will be provided as well as Nutrient Management and Certified Crop Advisor credits. We ask that you register so we can get an accurate count. To register please visit:

The Delaware-Maryland 4R Alliance is a partnership between agribusinesses, farmers, researchers, conservation organizations, and local, state, and federal agencies that encourages the application of the right fertilizers at the right time, the right rate, and in the right place.  This framework of nutrient management was first established by The Fertilizer Institute.  The Chesapeake Bay Program has recognized this type of nutrient management as a critical foundation to successfully reducing nitrogen and phosphorus loss on farms.

For more information, contact Danielle Bauer, 443-262-8491,

Alliance hails science-based fertilizer path

VIENNA, Md. (Aug. 29, 2017) — Improvements in equipment and technology have helped farmers better utilize fertilizer, but behind that is good decision making, using what the industry has deemed the 4Rs.
Launched by the Fertilizer Institute, the 4R Nutrient Stewardship is a science-based fertilizer management approach for enhanced environmental protection, increased production and farmer profitability and improved sustainability.
The concept is to use the right fertilizer source, at the right rate, at the right time, and in the right place.
Locally, the newly expanded Delaware-Maryland 4R Alliance, a partnership between the Delaware/Maryland Agribusiness Association and The Nature Conservancy partnership, has fostered and promoted the concept since 2015.

Read more at American Farm:

Delaware announces Soil Health Field Day and On-Farm Research Workshop on August 10

Two Educational Programs are scheduled for August 10. In the morning there will be program on cover crops and soil health sponsored by the Sussex County Conservation District with University of Delaware and Delaware State University. In the afternoon, there will be a session on conducting on-farm research. More details will be provide in future newsletters, but this early notice is provided so you can mark your calendars.

See UD’s Weekly Crop Update for more details as they develop.

Update: A Flyer for the program is now available: 8-10-17 Flyer

You can register for the workshop here: