4R Field Day on 10/4 in Hershey, PA
PA4R Field Day Flyer 2018 http://4rmidatlantic.com/event/4r-nutrient-stewardship-field-day/
PA4R Field Day Flyer 2018 http://4rmidatlantic.com/event/4r-nutrient-stewardship-field-day/
Ken Staver, Director of the Wye Research and Education Center (WREC) welcomed the crowd at our 4R Technology Field Day on August 15 by encouraging them to “go beyond the surface and really dig into the topics, ask a lot of questions.” Field day attendees visited four stations throughout the day, focused on the right […]
The Delaware-Maryland 4R Alliance posted two articles recently on its Facebook page related to 4R tools and technologies. The first post links to a Delmarva Farmer article about University of Delaware Agronomist Jarrod Miller exploring potential applications of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs, or drones) in agriculture. Miller talks about how he’s working with drones to […]
Local 4R nutrient stewardship alliances including the Delaware Maryland 4R Alliance have announced the formation of a new association called the Mid-Atlantic 4R Nutrient Stewardship Association. The new alliance will advance the groups’ existing missions of achieving cleaner waterways and healthy soils on farms while also improving farmers’ bottom lines by keeping applied nutrients on […]