Tag: 4R

4R Partnership Continues to Grow Across the Mid-Atlantic

Ensuring every nutrient application in the Mid-Atlantic is applied with the RIGHT source, in the RIGHT place, at the RIGHT rate, and at the RIGHT time.

(Chester, Maryland, December 23, 2024) – In March 2024, the Mid-Atlantic 4R Nutrient Stewardship Association (MA4R), the nonprofit organization supporting the Pennsylvania 4R Alliance (PA4R) and the Delaware Maryland 4R Alliance (DM4R), completed a five-year Strategic Plan to make a big impact across the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. The mission of the 4R Alliance is to empower trusted advisors to ensure that every nutrient application in the region is applied with the RIGHT source, in the RIGHT place, at the RIGHT rate, and at the RIGHT time to benefit farmers, the environment, and society. 

The MA4R through the PA4R and DM4R, will advance the strategic plan with the support of a 2024 National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Innovative Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Grant Funding will support farmers to implement new advanced nutrient management practices, and grow the organization’s engagement with the trusted advisors of farmers.

The Mid-Atlantic 4R team will also continue the successful 4R voucher program with support from the Keith Campbell Foundation. In 2024, the team funded 31 vouchers with our first grant and covered 9,196 acres of planned advanced nutrient management practices. For 2025, the 4R Alliance has 30 vouchers available to farmer and agribusiness pairs to take one’s farming operation to the next step in advanced nutrient management. Enrollment for these vouchers is now open, please email Jenell McHenry to secure your voucher spot.

Furthermore, the strategic plan includes: defining a standardized methodology for measuring and comparing Nitrogen and Phosphorus Use Efficiency of 4R Best Management Practices (BMPs) vs. average Nitrogen Use Efficiency; serving trusted advisors by demonstrating 4R BMPs and their impact; growing partnerships and engagement; securing funds to continue to improve nutrient stewardship; and hiring a full-time Executive Director.

On December 16th, the Mid-Atlantic 4R Association welcomed Jenell McHenry as their first full-time Executive Director. Jenell has been employed by Thompson Ag Consulting for the past five years where she has served a number of agriculture organizations, including the 4R Alliance. Jenell currently resides in Kent County, Maryland with her husband Joey and son, Lee. As a family they raise beef cattle from cow to consumer, run a commercial trucking company, and farm corn, soybeans, wheat, barley, sorghum, and hay.  Ben Hushon, Chair of the Mid-Atlantic 4R Board, said “we are very honored to have Jenell join our Association full-time and think about the 4Rs every day. Her expertise and experience will provide the skills necessary to expand the scope and scale of our future efforts.” Jenell can be reached at midatlantic4r@gmail.com and you can learn more about the PA4R, DM4R efforts at 4RMidAtlantic.com.


2024 4R Symposium

Annapolis, Maryland (September 30, 2024) – On Thursday, September 12th the Mid-Atlantic 4R Nutrient Stewardship Association held their annual 4R Symposium at the Maryland Department of Agriculture. Over 170 individuals attended the hybrid event and heard four outstanding presentations and a farmer panel.

“We were ecstatic to see the growth and interest of 4R farming that after the in-person registration reached full capacity in just three weeks, the team decided to offer a hybrid option to further our reach,” said Delaware Maryland 4R Alliance Chair, Lindsay Thompson.

The free event was made possible with funding from The Fertilizer Institute, Yara, Soil Warrior, Corteva Agriscience, Mosaic, The Mill, Keith Campbell Foundation, Willard Agri-Service, and Horizon Farm Credit. We appreciate the support of each of this year’s sponsors and the partnership we have developed.

The full day was recorded via zoom and can be found on our YouTube page here. A summary of each presentation can be found below. Credits are already submitted and cannot be guaranteed for those interested in watching the recorded event.

Thank you to those who attended our event, please leave any feedback to us online here for next year’s event.


Presentation Summaries:

James White, Rutgers University

“How Plants Use Microbes to Enhance Development and Acquire Nutrients”

Doctor White started his presentation covering fungal and bacteria endophytic. Endophytic microbes are absorbed from the soil into plants through the meristem, either by root, stem, and/or leaf. These microbes are needed for development to produce hormones which result in root hair growth, and they provide a source of nutrients. Dr. White then shared about the Rhizophagy (root eating) process and cycle. This process is how plants attract microbes (bacteria, yeasts, and/or soil algae) and absorb them. This process is very important because it; 1) triggers root hair elongation and 2) trigger the gravitropic response in roots, increase root branching, and increase the root and shoot elongation. Microbes enter through the cell, reach reactive oxygen which removes their cell walls (protoplasts) and then exit through root hairs to recharge with nutrients in the soil, then they reenter through the root. Through Dr. White’s 15N Tracking Experiment, where bacteria increased reactive oxygen and plant growth with 30% more nitrogen absorbed (not fixated). In conclusion, there is still a lot of ongoing research to be determined about soil life but you need health soil to utilize the addition of microbes and maintaining a healthy soil allows for the proper microbe environment.

Josh McGrath, USDA-ARS

“FRST: A Journey to Support Farmers with Better Fertilizer Recommendations”

FRST is a tool that created a national database of soil test correlations and calibrations to give farmers and their advisers transparency on where recommendations come from and to give confidence in recommendations while supporting the future soil fertility research. Recommendations are created by soil test correlation, which is the soil test above which determines sufficient fertilizer rate to maximize crop yield for a specific soil test range. Utilize FRST at soiltestfrst.org.

Farmer Panel

Steve Ernst, John C Johnson, and Trey Hill

John C Johnson farms with his brother in Stewartstown, PA growing cover crops, corn, soybeans, wheat, sorghum, sunflowers, and hay.

Trey Hill owns and operates Harborview Farms in Rock Hall, MD as a certified regenerative farm. Harborview grows corn, wheat, soybeans, and barley while focusing on no-till, cover crops, and planting green.

Steve Ernst is an agronomist who farms in the Appalachian Mountains as a direct to market grain dealer. Growing roots, cover crops, soybeans, wheat, hay, sunflowers, hogs, and sheep.

Jarrod Miller, University of Delaware

“Grid Soil Sampling for Variable Rate Applications”

Jarrod talked about what grid sampling is. When covering the density of grid sampling, you can over or under sample, the maximum recommendation is 2.5 acres per sample. The Jarrod presented his research on grid sampling and applying a number of nutrients via variable rate and the nutrient responses. Today, Jarrod is doing research on strip intercropping and biologicals.

Nicole Fiorellino, University of Maryland

“Updating Fertilizer Recommendations for High Management Wheat in Maryland”

Nicole started her presentation with the importance of statistics when it comes to reviewing your data so that you can set your research up for success and have confidence in your results. Nicole is currently working on finding the ideal fertilizer to yield recommendations for Maryland wheat. Through two university sites and three on-farm sites, the first year of wheat trials found a maximum yield of 96 bushels to the acre at 180 pounds of Nitrogen. There has also been a decrease in variability with the more nitrogen at jointing and increase in yield. If you are interested in participating in this upcoming growing season’s trial, please contact her team by October 4th. Find more results and information online here.

The Mid-Atlantic 4R Nutrient Stewardship Association is a non-profit entity working to provide education to farmers on the economic and environmental benefits of implementing 4R nutrient stewardship practices, which will accelerate progress toward clean water and habitat goals. Lear more online here.

2024 4R Symposium Set for September 12th

Chester, Maryland (August 8, 2024) – The Mid-Atlantic 4R Nutrient Stewardship Association will continue an annual 4R Symposium for crop advisers, agronomists, nutrient management professionals, and agribusiness representatives. This year’s event will take place on Thursday, September 12th at the Maryland Department of Agriculture in Annapolis, MD. The event is free for attendees but, registration is required. You can register online here

Doors will open at 9:30 AM with our first speaker at 10:00 AM. There will be four research presentations and a farmer panel. Lunch will be available to all attendees. Participants will hear about research on biologicals, nutrient recommendations for high management wheat, and the new FRST tool. The farmer panel will include Steve Ernst from Washington County, Trey Hill from Kent County, RC Willin from Sussex County, and one more pending farmer from Pennsylvania.

The 4R team will be offering Nutrient Management credits for DE, MD, VA, and PA and Certified Crop Adviser credits for their event.  These are currently pending but will be posted on our 4R website once available under the Upcoming Events tab.

“Last year’s first-ever symposium drew a great audience of those providing nutrient recommendations to farmers. We are pleased to continue this event to keep farmer’s trusted advisors up to date on the latest research,” said Lindsay Thompson, Chair of the DE-MD 4R Alliance.

The Mid-Atlantic 4R Nutrient Stewardship Association is a non-profit organization whose members include the Delaware-Maryland 4R Alliance and the Pennsylvania 4R Alliance. We provide information and outreach to farmers, ag service providers, and others about the benefits of 4R nutrient stewardship, as well as practical guidance on how to implement new management strategies. Learn more about our work on 4rmidatlantic.org