Author: 4RMidAtlantic

Cover Crops and the 4Rs- Five Things to Know

Rye cover crop emerging between corn stubble- image courtesy of Practical Farmers of Iowa

Dr. Ken Staver knows a lot about cover crops. In a recent interview with the hosts of From Cloud to Cab, the Associate Research Scientist and Acting Director of the Wye Research and Education Center talked about his 30 years of research and how cover crops relate to soil health and the 4Rs- using the right nutrient source, rate, timing and placement. Here are five takeaways from that conversation:

  • Delmarva’s water quality issues are unique. When Staver’s research began in the 1980s, erosion control was the focus of conservation efforts. When it became clear that nitrogen in shallow groundwater was a higher priority for our area, cover crops emerged as the right tool for the job. Cereal grains, like rye, were a good fit with our crop rotations to take up nitrogen left in the soil after harvest.
  • Cover crops & nitrogen- it’s complicated. Can we reduce nitrogen fertilizer after a cover crop? After all, if we’re taking up nitrogen with the cover crop, shouldn’t it be possible to account for that in our nutrient management? It turns out, it’s not that simple. “There’s a large pool of nitrogen in the soil that cover crops get absorbed into”, Staver said. “Cover crops take up nitrogen that’s significant from a water quality standpoint, but it’s noise within the total supply of soil organic nitrogen.” In other words, not enough nitrogen comes back into the system from a cereal cover crop to count toward the next crop.
  • No-till is key for building soil organic matter. Cereal cover crops do have some of the more persistent forms of organic carbon and so they can build soil organic matter over time. Tillage, though, will break down organic matter faster than cover crops can build it up. If your goal is to build soil organic matter, keep tillage to a minimum.
  • Manure is a great resource, but has its challenges. A locally-available, slow-release nutrient source, manure contains macro- and micronutrients that feed both crops and soil microbes. It can’t, however, be applied with the same precision with regard to rate and timing as inorganic fertilizers.
  • Take the long view. Planting cover crops consistently adds to soil carbon and nitrogen pools, and adopting practices that support a thriving soil microbial community will cycle those nutrients over time. In the long term, it might be possible to reduce the amount of nitrogen that’s added to the system. Decision support tools- Tissue Tests, PSNTs and Nitrogen Modeling- can help to fine-tune nitrogen applications by estimating crop needs and nitrogen supplied in a given season.

The full conversation is featured in an episode of From Cloud to Cab, a podcast series for Mid-Atlantic farmers. The series is hosted by Josh Bollinger with the Harry R. Hughes Center for Agroecology and Jennifer Nelson with Resource Smart LLC. Look for a new episode every other Wednesday- you can find it on Sound Cloud, iTunes and the Google Play Store.

After the 4R Field Day- Stay Up to Date!

Ken Staver, Director of the Wye Research and Education Center (WREC) welcomed the crowd at our 4R Technology Field Day on August 15 by encouraging them to “go beyond the surface and really dig into the topics, ask a lot of questions.” Field day attendees visited four stations throughout the day, focused on the right source, rate, timing and placement of nutrients.

Our four presenters- Bob Kratochvil, Ken Staver, Nicole Fiorellino and Jarrod Miller- did a great job! Along with their organizations (University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources for Drs. Kratochvil, Fiorellino and Staver and University of Delaware College of Agriculture and Natural Resources for Dr. Miller), these folks are a great resource for staying up to date on relevant research and timely agronomy tips. If you’re active on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, you’ll want to follow them!


Follow our 4R Field Day Presenters on Twitter:

University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Jarrod Miller

Nicole Fiorellino


On Facebook:

University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

University of Delaware College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

On Instagram:

University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

University of Delaware College of Agriculture and Natural Resources


The 4Rs and UAVs- A Look at our 2017 On-Farm Demonstration

The Delaware-Maryland 4R Alliance posted two articles recently on its Facebook page related to 4R tools and technologies.

The first post links to a Delmarva Farmer article about University of Delaware Agronomist Jarrod Miller exploring potential applications of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs, or drones) in agriculture. Miller talks about how he’s working with drones to identify potential agronomic uses that will justify the cost to the farmer. “Part of our goal” he says, “is learn the basics and tell people what we learned. Maybe they can figure out ways to use it better for their own operation.”

The second post links to an article in Crops & Soils Magazine by Sally Flis, Director of Agronomy for The Fertilizer Institute, discussing the need and potential options to improve the links between nutrient source, placement and timing in order to make better recommendations on nitrogen rate. The article talks about two common frameworks to develop nitrogen recommendations, as well as up-and-coming tools and approaches to better integrate nitrogen source, timing and placement decisions with the right N rate. The article points out how “Further research is needed on the impact of combining source, rate, time, and placement changes in a single experiment and their impact on [Nitrogen Recover Efficiency, or] NRE.”

The first field in the DM4RA’s 2017 demonstration shows a light green area in the field that reflects where nitrogen carried over from the previous crop.

In 2017, the DM4RA worked with Hoober and two Delmarva farmers on a demonstration project, using a drone to help inform in-season nitrogen application decisions. In the project, a drone captured NDVI data on corn fields when the farmer was getting ready to make a sidedress nitrogen application. NDVI, or “normalized difference vegetation index” is essentially a measure of crop vigor. It’s the same kind of data that’s used in optical sensors like Greenseeker and OptRx to determine nitrogen sidedress rates on-the-go. In this case, the NDVI data was used to create a map of the crop fields, and delineate different management areas in the field. How the data was used to inform nitrogen application rates differed between the two fields.

In the first field, the corn followed a spinach crop from the previous year in a portion of the field. The spinach crop was assumed to have taken up all of the nitrogen that was applied, without any nitrogen carrying over into the 2017 crop year. The original recommended N rate for the field was a variable-rate prescription based on previous years’ yields. The NDVI data, however, indicated that corn growing in the portion of the field had a higher NDVI relative to other parts of the field, indicating that there was some N carryover from the previous year that supported vigorous early growth and development. With that knowledge, it was possible to reduce the N application rate in that part of the field, assuming that some of the N requirement of the corn was met by N carried over from the previous crop.

In the second field, the light green area represents a portion of the field with higher yield potential than the orange and red areas of the field.

In the second field, the drone was flown too early in the season for us to base N application rates on the NDVI data with sufficient confidence. In that field, we simply compared the NDVI data that was taken early in the season to the harvest data, to see if there appeared to be a correlation between the two. In this case, even early in the season, the NDVI data did seem to match up with different areas in the field with high and low yield potential.  In future years, the farmer might use this data to delineate different management areas in the field to adjust N application rates according to crop yield potential.

What these two demonstrations showed is that there is potential to use NDVI data to help inform N application decisions. In the first field, data from the drone helped to identify an area where available nitrogen existed that would not have been previously accounted for. In the second field, NDVI data helped to identify areas in the field with high and low yield potential. The NDVI data reflects conditions within the current season that impact 4R management decisions and can result in more accurate N application rates.

In both cases, however, NDVI data collected from the drone did not translate directly into a sidedress N application rate. (This is different than active optical sensors that are mounted on a sprayer and use an algorithm to calculate the right N rate on the fly.) In the first field, for example, the NDVI data did not quantify how much N was left over from the previous crop that could be subtracted from the current application rate. In the second field, it isn’t clear from the data how much the N application rate should vary between the areas of the field with low yield potential versus high yield potential. The NDVI data is helpful to guide application rates in combination with agronomic expertise and familiarity with the field. These informed decisions may improve economic and environmental outcomes compared to a flat-rate application strategy, if they’re a part of an overall management strategy that looks at multiple factors that can impact yield potential (such as pH, other nutrient deficiencies and drainage concerns) and allows for flexibility to address in-season conditions (such as split N applications).

The conclusion of the article in Crops and Soils says that “the influence of weather, soil, and other conservation practices on yield and efficiency measures like NRE needs further consideration in the advancement of nitrogen recommendation systems.” Drones certainly have the potential to be one tool in that toolbox.